Category Archives: RollerCoasters

Cedar Point’s WildCat reopens

From the Sandusky Register

WildCat Closed


Cedar Point officials have confirmed the WildCat reopened at noon today after the park’s staff made adjustments to the braking system.

“What we did after it closed on Sunday was a complete evaluation of the ride’s operating system,” Cedar Point spokesman Robin Innes said.

A four-person car on the ride failed to stop as it came into the loading station at 5 p.m. Sunday.

The brakes on the ride have been adjusted and inspected, Innes said. The ride was reinspected and tested against today before reopening, he said.


Cedar Point put the WildCat back in its cage until the park can figure out if it’s still tame.

One of the WildCat’s four-person cars crashed into a stopped car at the loading station at about 5 p.m. Sunday, leaving seven riders with bumps and bruises. No one suffered serious injuries, said Robin Innes, Cedar Point spokesman.

Park operators still chose to shut down the WildCat until they can make sure it’s safe, Innes said.
The moving car was carrying four people when it ran into the stopped car.

“We transferred seven people to our first-aid station for examination and treatment for bumps and bruises,” Innes said.

Four people left the first-aid station without further treatment, while Cedar Point took the other three to Firelands Regional Medical Center as a precaution. The three received treatment but were not admitted to the hospital, Innes said.

One of the three was met at the hospital by her parents, at which point she apparently called it a night and went home.

The other two returned to Cedar Point. They mentioned they were hungry, so park employees gave them French fries and drinks, Innes said.

Cedar Point told the U.S. Department of Agriculture — which regulates amusement rides — about what happened, said Erica Pitchford, a USDA spokeswoman.

Because the riders weren’t actually admitted to the hospital, the crash was considered an “incident,” Pitchford said.

If anyone had been admitted to the hospital, it would have been classified as an “accident” and Cedar Point would have been required to file a report.

Lamont Burnett, 32, of Detroit, Mich., walked by the silent ride Monday afternoon and learned it was closed.

“I was going to get on it,” said Burnett, who remembered riding it when he was a kid. He had hoped to get his sons, ages 11 and 12, on the WildCat as a relatively tame introduction to the wild world of roller coasters.

But the WildCat has been a wild ride more than once.

On May 16, 2008, a WildCat car traveling up a hill didn’t make it all the way, and instead rolled backward and hit the car behind it. Nine people were injured, eight of whom were treated at the park’s first-aid station.

The ninth person was taken to the hospital, treated and released.

After that, Cedar Point closed the ride for a month, reopening it only after replacing a section of track. Cedar Point has operated two identical WildCat rides since 1970, using one to replace the other.

Like all Cedar Point rides, WildCat still has an impressive record: Since 1970, more than 26 million people have enjoyed it without any problems.

During the last three summers, more than 300,000 people rode it.

By comparison, more than a million people rode eight of the most popular roller coasters at the park.
Park officials have other challenges on their plate still — they continue trying to get WindSeeker going.

As of Monday, training for WindSeeker crews hadn’t started yet, Innes said.

Cedar Point has yet to ask the Department of Agriculture to inspect WindSeeker, a necessary step in getting the ride licensed, Pitchford said.

LaGrange residents Michael Gaydles, 18, and Jeff Wirth, 18, both season pass holders, stood next to WindSeeker on Monday, gazing up at the towering beast.

Gaydles said he’s anxious to ride it because it’s so tall and it’ll swing riders out over the lake.
As Innes walked near WindSeeker, park visitors stopped him again and again to ask about it.

Innes told all of them the ride will be running “as soon as possible.”

“We have a lot of people anxious to ride it,” Innes said. “We’re anxious to get it open.”

New Paint on Millennium Force

Millennium Force Repainting 2011 (
Picture Copyright Carsten Anderson of, used with permission.

After 11 years, Millennium Force is finally being repainted.  It currently looks like the lift and queue line area of track has been painted so far.  Hopefully the whole ride will be sporting a new coat of paint by Opening Day. I would like thank Carsten Anderson of who allowed us to use his pictures.

Millennium Force Repainting 2011 (
Picture Copyright Carsten Anderson of, used with permission.

Cedar Point Announces The Cedar Point K’NEX Great Thrill Ride Build-Off

Cedar Point Press Release

SANDUSKY, Ohio – K’NEX, the construction toy company headquartered in Hatfield, Pa., and Cedar Point amusement park/resort in Sandusky, Ohio, have joined forces to launch the first-ever Cedar Point K’NEX Great Thrill Ride Build-Off.

The Cedar Point K’NEX Great Thrill Ride Build-Off pits classrooms and other student groups in competition to build the most innovative and thrilling amusement park ride model using K’NEX building sets.

“Amusement park rides aren’t just fun to ride, they are also fun to create and a great way to teach important math and science principles,” said K’NEX President and CEO Michael Araten.  “We are excited to partner with Cedar Point to award creative young builders through this unique building contest.”

Running from Jan. 31 through April 3, the Cedar Point K’NEX Great Thrill Ride Build-Off is designed for middle and high school classes and student organizations such as a science clubs.  Upon registration, participants will receive a discount coupon that can be used for the purchase of materials from  However, no purchase is necessary to compete.

Participating schools must design and build a ride and submit a photo/video of the project on  The five winners will have their rides displayed at the park during Cedar Point’s Math and Science Week, scheduled from May 16-20.

Prizes include K’NEX building sets and gift certificates and complimentary admission tickets to Cedar Point. For more information, official contest rules, and to enter, or

About Cedar Point’s Math and Science Week
During Math & Science Week, special educational programs, demonstrations and activities designed for middle and high school students are presented at the park.  Other exhibitors include NASA’s Glenn Research Center of Cleveland, COSI (Center of Science and Industry) of Columbus, the Detroit Science Center and others.  A Weather Education Day will also be held during the event.  For additional information about Math & Science Week at Cedar Point, please visit

About K’NEX Brands
Founded in 1992, K’NEX Brands, the world’s most innovative construction toy company, was established to make and sell what has become one of the world’s leading integrated construction systems for children.  Recipient of more than 200 international awards and recognitions, K’NEX is America’s building toy company focused on building worlds kids love and encourages youngsters to “imagine, build and play.”

Cedar Point Off-Season (January 17, 2011)

Cedar Point - Off-Season Welcome Sign

For my first trip of the year, I had the opportunity to visit the park in the winter off-season. Mr. Innes was very nice and agreed to take myself and a few select CP Guide members on a tour of the main midway, wicked twister midway, and a small part of the wildcat midway.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Bay View

Cedar Point - Off-Season Toll Booths

To start we walked through the Hotel Breaker’s parking lot and saw the roller coaster cars awaiting a winter check-up.

Cedar Point - Coaster Cars

Cedar Point - Coaster Cars

Cedar Point - Coaster Cars

Cedar Point - Coaster Cars

Then we moved on to the WindSeeker construction site.  They had just poured the foundation the Friday before and they were working on setting up the concert mold for the ride base.

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

The concert they used was special concrete that need to be done in one pour, the reason behind the giant concert pour.  The foundation is 60ft by 60ft and the ride will go down 6ft.

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

The ride is currently scheduled to open on opening day, but so was Shoot the Rapids, so we will have to see.

Cedar Point - WindSeeker Construction

Moving down the midway, we find Chaos, or the spot Chaos used to occupy.  Chaos is undergoing its off-season maintenance, but it doesn’t sound like it’s coming back.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Chaos Gone

Troika, like Chaos has been taken apart for its off-season maintenance, the rumor circulating is the Troika will go to Chaos’ spot and open up space for Disaster Transport to be replaced with a new coaster. Of course, this is just a rumor, and I don’t have any real facts to support it.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Troika

Cedar Point - Off-Season Troika

Throughout the park many rides have been shrink-wrapped; maXair is one of them as well as the test seat.

Cedar Point - Off-Season maXair

On the main midway, the games are all closed up as expected and Raptor was hibernating until May.

Cedar Point - Off-Season maXair Area

Cedar Point - Off-Season Johnny Rockets

Cedar Point - Off-Season Midway Games

Cedar Point - Off-Season Main Midway

Ocean Motion, on the other hand, will be getting a new home at the old Demon Drop location and it will be complemented with a pond when it opens in May. In the Blue Streak area, we find Calypso taken apart for its maintenance.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Calypso

Boo Hill has been reverted to its normal season look and the Blue Streak was nicely covered with snow.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Blue Streak

Cedar Point - Off-Season Blue Streak

Cedar Point - Off-Season Raptor

Moving onto the Wildcat Midway, we find that Dodgems has been enclosed so the floor doesn’t get ruined and Wildcat’s queue ramps have been taken apart for easy access to the track for car removal.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Corkscrew

Cedar Point - Off-Season Dodgems

Cedar Point - Off-Season Wildcat

Many of the fences around the park have also been removed for easier access to the rides.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Iron Dragon

The train cars for the CP and LE Railroad are at different parts of the track: one set back in Frontier Town and one is parked by the Mantis.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Train Cars

Moving on to Millennium Force, we find two cars left on the midway.  Of course we all went crazy taking pictures of it and the brand new wheels.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Car

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Wheels

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Wheels

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Car

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Car

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force Wheels

Cedar Point - Off-Season Frontier Trail

Cedar Point - Off-Season Millennium Force

Ending the tour, we walked back down the Wildcat midway and by Scrambler and Matterhorn.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Skyride Station

Cedar Point - Off-Season Main Midway

Cedar Point - Off-Season Scrambler

Cedar Point - Off-Season Matterhorn

We passed Kinzel’s Castel and through the parking lot of coaster cars.

Cedar Point - Cedar Fair Corporate Offices

Cedar Point - Off-Season Power Tower

Cedar Point - Off-Season Top Thrill Dragster and Magnum XL-200

Cedar Point - Off-Season Hotel Breakers

On the way out I took some pictures of Mean Streak’s off-season track work and some views of the park from the road.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Challenge Racing

Cedar Point - Off-Season Mean Streak

Cedar Point - Off-Season Mean Streak

Cedar Point - Off-Season Blue Streak

Cedar Point - Off-Season Cadillac Cars

To finish the day I took a picture of me in front of the “Welcome to Cedar Point” sign.

Cedar Point - Off-Season Welcome Sign

Cedar Point - Off-Season Welcome Sign

Cedar Point - Off-Season Welcome Sign

As you might expect, those were only a small chuck of the pictures we took, click here to view all 150 pictures on flickr.

Interview with Cedar Point Director of Maintenance & New Construction Ed Dangler


Coaster buffs like myself will enjoy a full 30 minutes with Ed Dangler, Director of Maintenance and New Construction at Cedar Point. Topics include various coaster wheel assembly arrangements, launch and restraint systems, how coasters and maintained and repaired, the process through which Cedar Point decides what to build and how to build it and much more!

Interview Highlights

  • No wooden coaster in the near future for Cedar Point, maybe after two more years. 16:12
  • Part of the WindSeeker’s foundation will be on the beach [like suggested by the construction stakes earlier this season].  18:10
  • WindSeeker Challenges  18:15
    • Winter Weather
    • Water Table
  • Process of Adding a Ride  20:32
    • Executive Planning Board to decide ride based on the need to offer guests something new and excited.
    • Ride manufacturing is in charge of the design.
      • TUV overseeing WindSeeker Construction.
  • Dick Kinzel decides if they want to be the first at something, such as the tallest and fastest roller coasters. 25:35
  • Nostalgia is a delicate decision at Cedar Point.  A long and thought out process to remove a ride. 26:00
  • Guest input is important. Cedar Point is good friends with ACEers.  They read and encourage comments.  Social media gives them instant feedback.  28:00